
Enabling New Workflows With CUREConnect

integration ecosystem

When Mobile Heartbeat launched the CUREConnect Interoperability Program, it took one more step towards our vision of complete enterprise interoperability. CUREConnect extends the Mobile Heartbeat platform’s core communication & collaboration (CC&C) capabilities through integrations with third-party systems. Integration with key clinical and operational systems enables us to deliver a diverse set of capabilities to our users.

Some Notable Mentions

As a result, we’ve worked hard to achieve the goal of delivering a set of APIs and an ecosystem of integration partners that facilitate new clinical workflows for our customers. Four initial APIs to highlight are the Inbound Messaging API, InterApp Launch Points, Inbound Assignments API and the Care Team Query API. Together, these four APIs provide a foundation for our ecosystem partners and customers to build upon.

The Inbound Messaging API enables third-party systems to deliver alerts, alarms and notifications to Mobile Heartbeat users. This standards-based API is already in heavy use with our nurse call, patient monitoring and middleware partners. This allows users to get the right information to the right people as quickly as possible. Inbound Messaging is highly customizable, which allows our partners and customers to specify the content and actions (e.g., confirm or decline) of the message. This ensures that customers can implement tailored policies and processes to deliver an intuitive user experience.

Direct Integration with 3rd-Party Apps

Because the InterApp Launch Points provides Mobile Heartbeat users with a seamless workflow in concert with their other mobile applications. The API enables direct integrations with third-party mobile apps, allowing users to launch between apps efficiently and with context using icons called “launch points”. As an example, imagine a user views a patient’s details in Mobile Heartbeat and needs to view or edit data in a mobile EHR app on their device. Without InterApp, the workflow would look something like this:

  1. Tap the device’s home button
  2. Find the mobile EHR app
  3. Log into that app with Active Directory credentials
  4. Search for the patient
  5. Complete the task.

That’s a five-step, very manual process. Alternatively, with a single tap of a launch point in the platform, the InterApp Launch Point API allows the user to launch directly and securely to the location they want to go in the partner app from within Mobile Heartbeat.

The Inbound Assignments API allows one or multiple third-party systems to update the care team of a specified patient within Mobile Heartbeat. This ensures that users always have the ability to know who the real-time care team is for a patient. The Care Team Query API works in reverse, allowing third-party systems to retrieve the current care team information for a given patient.

Learn More

As technology advances, we look to expand upon the CUREConnect integration ecosystem. We look forward to strengthening our existing partnerships in patient monitoring, nurse call, clinical workflow and predictive analytics. We also plan to support new workflows as we build new partnerships in these and other capabilities. If you would like to explore how your hospital may benefit from implementing Mobile Heartbeat’s platform and the CUREConnect Interoperability Program, contact us at You can also learn more about the CUREConnect APIs here.

Kelly Elliot, Director of Marketing


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